**music** Do you have the Pots and Pats? We have the Pots and Pats Do you have the Dumb-A-Tooth? Yes, we have the Trumb-A-Tooth Do you have the Shake-A-Tooth? Yes, we have the Shaker-Tooth Do you have the Cow-Bel-Soup? Music Music Do you have the normal too? Yes we have the normal too Do you have the shake or too? Yes we have the shake or too Do you have the cowbell too? Yes we have the cowbell too Do you have the cowbell? Yes we have the cowbell too Do you have the cowbell? Yes we have the cowbell too Do you have the normal too? Yes we have the normal too Do you have the shake or too? Yes we have the shake or too Do you have the cowbell? Yes we have the shake or too Do you have the shake or too? Yes we have the shake or too